Tamlyn Barter
Tamlyn Barter
Tel: 082 770 4962
e-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.successcentre.co.za

Aisha Said
Aisha Said
Cell: 072 291 5968

Heidi January
Heidi January
Cell: 072 955 0116

Dr Charlotte Louise Enslin
Dr Charlotte Louise Enslin
Tel: 021 423 2335
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Medicross City Bowl

Crystal Moosajie
Crystal Moosajie
Cell: 083 511 7265
e-mail: [email protected]

Dr Gideon Maresky
Dr Gideon Maresky
Phone: 021 423 9422/021 441 0043
e-mail: [email protected]
Address: Suite 1516, Christiaan Barnard Hospital

Potty Training - How to teach your toddler to use the toilet
Potty training (or rather: Toddler Learning to use the Toilet)
Article written by Ofra Sharp. http://www.toddlerworkshop.co.za/
Children learn to use the toilet when they are ready, not when their parents are ready!

Discipline - a quick guide to setting boundaries and consequences.
Children are looking for boundaries and therefore are constantly testing them. This leads to lots of frustration, friction and increased stress levels in an already stressful home environment. Parents tend to give in, keeping some peace rather…

Introducing Solids into a baby's diet
Current new recommended weaning practices differs greatly from the way we introduced solids in the past. For more info and a diet plan click here http://www.nutripaeds.co.za/solids/
Latest research showed that children tend to be less allergic…

Hearing Development During the First Year
It is very important to make sure that your baby's hearing is normal. The following are a list of things your baby is supposed to do at certain ages. If there are any concerns about any of the below, please contact your doctor.
Shortly after…